Interview with Sam Dixey the Tinder Powerpoint Viral sensation!
This week a Leeds lad went viral for posting a funny powerpoint presentation on Tinder!
With a glint in his eye Sam Dixey (@samdixey) did a really bad (in fact – so bad – it was good!) Powerpoint Presentation on his Tinder profile to stand out from the crowd for potential girlfriends.
He uploaded his Powerpoint over a year ago and it randomly went viral this week after a potential date Gracie Barrow (@GracieBarrow1) posted it on Twitter
“A genuine 10/10 effort from this lad lmaooo I’m crying” she said –
“On one slide, the 21-year-old detailed his hobbies as “laser tag”, “dad jokes” and “petting doggos” and even added some pretty cool pictures alongside. Another listed his rather notable skills, including “knowing all the rules to drinking games”, “not the worst at sex” and “owning a Netflix account”
The Sun –
“And, once she’d stopped laughing, Gracie knew what to do. “I swiped right,” she said. “And we matched and have spoken about how viral the tweet has gone. I’d say I would go on a date with Sam based on his tinder profile, because it shows he’s got a really good sense of humour and I like that, plus he seems like a lovely lad.”
The Lad Bible –
This week has been mad for him as he has been interviewed on national media and has become a bit of a star around Leeds, where he is a student.
So because he was based in Leeds and he made headlines for a Presentation related story I contacted Sam and met him for a coffee today.
He is a great guy and has a great future ahead of him and thankfully he is not taking his temporary fame and himself too seriously.
I gave him copies of my books and offered to coach him in the future before his next Presentation at Uni. A fun meeting.
Here is a short interview recorded in the cafe…
Do not let bad slides kill your Presentations there is another way!